Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poetry is flowing from me like water...

"The most confused we ever get is when we're trying to convince our heads of something our heart knows is a lie." --Faefever Karen Marie Moning

I fear this heart will explode
In moments you will see what I am made of
with my hurt lying on the floor.
You'll know where my soul has been
Lost in the wilderness of maturation and an aching need to be whole

What if he died?
What if he's gone forever?
What if he does not see
the pain as it spills to my knees from the hole in my chest to the toes of his feet?

Have I met him yet?
How will I know?
Will his pain throb with mine?
In a single beat with mine?
Or am I meant to be one of the greats
in a lonely sea of endless poetic prose and verse
"Suffer for your art and such. For your
wounds are not self-inflicted but genuine
and overwhelming."

"I see your beauty!
And you are beautiful!
Write your heart plain
 on this page and know
your agony is not in vain.
I will heal you make you whole.
Just be patient."

He says these things and walks away.
And I continue to bleed
From the hole in my chest
Where my heart use to be.

I love the way you sneak back in
With concern and a offer of help
I will not be fooled
I cannot be fooled
Seriously I cannot go through this again

Thank you but no!
And you can take that check to the bank.
Endorsed to your account.
And you can place a hold on that amount.

Because I'll never be your fool again.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Free-written rant that may offend but I hope it enlightens...

Sometimes I wonder about my life and the way I’m living. Other times I don’t.  I see myself at crossroads and jagged cliffs and I wonder how I’ve found my way there. Other times I dismiss the curiosity and proceed, now-a-days with caution, but formerly head first and with little consideration in the matter. There are times when I sit, legs crossed and my back against the wall, sometimes my head leaned back resting, holding me up, other times with my chin pointed at my chest and head parallel to the floor. More often than not, there are tears of salt and misery escaping from my eyes other times, and this is true more now than ever, there are not; however when there are, anymore, they rain less and less.

Back in the day I use to black out. Not just from an over indulgence in alcohol but from rage so blinding my body would shake, my mind would blank, and my frustrations, fears, and concerns would pour from me in a volcanic explosion of sulfuric magma. I was an angry soul trapped in a vessel too weak and limited to contain this emotion. I could not do the things I needed to do. I could not say the things I needed to say. I could not be the person I needed to be. The worst part was I could never figure out why. Why can’t I do the things I truly want? Why can’t I say the things I want to say? Why is it I can’t quite reach the finish-line and be the person I want to be…or everyone expect me to be…or that I was destined to be…or that God has envisioned me to be? I thought there was strength in reservation, restraint, in hiding your emotions deep in the pit of yourself, in a box with a chain and a lock. But soon found out that box is only locked for a time; A time such as it is overflowing with so much frustration, fear, concern, rage, confusion that it burst into flames, expelling its contents into the air, leaving you to “pick up the pieces.”

I used to think my parents were to blame for why I could never be all those things. I was wrong. I could easily blame society for holding me back but that would be a horrible misconception as well. I could cry that whoever I was dating at the time was the reason I had failed so completely, “I’m too busy worrying about his shit to focus, clear-headedly, on my goals;” lies to the pit and core of my soul. Though they are to blame in part, the only person to blame for my short comings is the person typing these words. I was a limited, single-minded being. I saw only whatI desired and then expected it all to manifest from thin air no effort required. Nothing could be anymore poisonous to a person than the pure unaltered condition of entitlement. But then I saw myself, like a mirror, in others. I’m not quite sure when I changed. I suspect it was gradually. I know for damn sure I’m not done. This evolution is finite but the end is light years away. I ascertained this revelation occurred somewhere between November and December of 2012. And my life’s experiences continue to build upon it.

I started this free write with the intention to rant about how far removed I am from the people around me. I feel like in my small group of friends I have found individuals who think on the same plain as I do. We all love a lot of the same things but we all share the same philosophies as well. For example, none of us would belittle another person over something as insignificant as misfired grammar on an irrelevant social media platform in earnest, if we recognized said person was hurting. I just don’t understand how a person could be so unobservant as to only see the minute writing error in a message rather than the whole picture. But I guess there is my answer…they don’t see the whole picture. The people I love do (well for the most part)! We see life, and all its parts, and how important certain things are versus others, and we choose our battles accordingly. We are wise beyond our years not because we sat with our heads in books and studied (though majority of us have) but because we live life and learned from our mistakes, and those of others and have applied them to our current existence. We have grasped the concept of “don’t sweat the small stuff” and apparently everyone else has not.

We have experienced loss on varying levels and not let it defeat us.

This concept baffles me! Why is everyone else not on this same frequency as we are? Why are people so short sighted?

Many may have heard me say that I have lost all hope for humanity. Sometimes I say this in jest but for the most part, this is the truth. It is not me being dramatic. It is very true. I have. It’s only in small glances that I think humanity is salvageable but there just aren’t enough people like myself, and my group of friends, to fix this mess. ::: small case of déjà vu:::

I’m sorry this free write is so negative. I’ve just been in a peculiar head space recently.  There has been a major and abrupt change in my life and once again I am going to have to evolve and adapt (though I really don’t want to). I feel this shift may be devastating to me in which case, I may have to retreat within for a while. Hopefully, everything will work out and hopefully those measures will not be necessary.